  1. To be a Church that strives for, chooses and protects kingdom unity. To raise up a fellowship of Christians that is full of love and acceptance, each with a focus on salvation and reconciliation.
  2. To evangelize the gospel of Jesus Christ through the work of Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. A Church that sends out from within to impact the nations of the world. Supporting & establishing home groups and house Churches.
  3. To be a Church that controls the atmosphere though a focus on prayer and worship.
  4. To develop and operate an Apostolic Intercessory Prayer ministry for our city, county, state, nation and the nations of the world.
  5. To empower and release true Eldership. Pastors who feed the sheep with love and humility and Elders that utilize their unique gifting’s to minister to the body. To continually identify and cultivate leaders.
  6. To reach out to the hurting and wounded by preaching the love and acceptance of God, teaching them the power and meaning of justification before the Father as wrought by the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ.
  7. To lead souls to Jesus and to aid them in accepting the regeneration of their spirit and to understand that they are a new creature in Jesus Christ. Teaching them Christian standards of living through the Word of God.
  8. To actively minister healing, physical, emotional and spiritual, as a gift from God and wrought by the stripes that Jesus bore on his back before and upon Calvary.
  9. To be a giving Church who walks in the blessings of God. Maintaining a focus on blessing Israel in tangible ways.
  10. To direct Christians to the truth of the gifts of Holy Spirit and the work of Holy Spirit in the Church today.
  11. To urge Christians to continually grow closer to God with the purpose of having a fellowship of believers that are Spirit filled, Spirit led and who display Spiritual gifts within their lives as outlined in the Scriptures.
  12. To be a church that thrives on the active participation of the congregants. Believers who evangelize the lost and care for one another while being focused on kingdom work and walking in the love of God.
  13. To develop and establish an apostolic training and releasing center. Actively fostering relationship with other like-minded regional Churches and Ministries.